Home > Mobile push notifications in iPresso – a new way to reach customers with tailored offers

Mobile push notifications in iPresso – a new way to reach customers with tailored offers

Mobile push notifications in iPresso – a new way to reach customers with tailored offers

Mobile push notifications are a new tool available in iPresso Marketing Automation. They may be used to better engage clients, send personalized messages to leads and recover abandoned carts.

Mobile push notifications are sent directly to the mobile devices of customers who installed a proper application and agreed to receive such content. They are a great way to remind customers about their appointments, announce new features, recover baskets or send individualized offers.

ma_nr_188_art3_smallThanks to the richness of behavioral and demographic data collected by iPresso, mobile push notifications sent from the system can be personalized and tailored to the needs and traits of any given customer. In this way, they will be sent to the right person and at the right time.

Here’s an example of how to use mobile push notifications in iPresso.

Let’s assume that a travel agency wants to use this tool to send its customers offers based on thei previous behavior on the company’s website.

The data gathered in iPresso’s database will enable the company to automatically send an offer of holidays, for example, in Spain, based on the information that a given person has browsed sections of the website dedicated to this country at least three times during the last month. People who met this condition will receive a discount or a special dedicated offer.

This mechanism can also be used in the abandoned cart recovery processes. Notifications may be sent to customers who abandoned their carts before completing the purchase. If they didn’t buy because something distracted them, a properly tailored and personalized notification will effectively remind them to return and complete the process.

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