Customer Data Platform: Increase customer engagement

The key to customer engagement lies in understanding their needs, interests, and behaviors. Marketers who know what their target audience really wants can craft more effective messaging and offers, leading to increased customer engagement and, ultimately, higher sales levels as well. If that’s what you’re struggling with right now, how can our Customer Data Platform (CDP) help?

Imagine a simple scenario: You run an online store, and you have a customer who’s interested in your products. They are currently looking for a specific product, let’s say shoes for summer. Because you have many new models in your store, this customer is looking for the best options. And they do more than just visit your store; they also visit your social media profiles, check Google Shopping for the best offers, and look for inspiration on Instagram.

Now, the big question is, how can you turn this interested individual into a happy customer who’s found his perfect shoes in your store? By analyzing their behavior and the offers this customer was interested in. This way, you are more likely to come up with accurate product recommendations that resonate with this customer. And when they finally find their perfect shoe model, they will order it immediately!

How can you make this possible? Our Customer Data Platform provides the answer.

What is a Customer Data Platform and how does it work?

From a technical perspective, you can say CDP is a CRM platform, but it’s more than that. Actually, the Customer Data Platform is the most advanced customer data solution in our portfolio (we also have a Contact Database Management tool, which is less advanced for more straightforward purposes, such as storing all customers/users in one place).

Data integration

What is fantastic about this tool is that CDP allows you to track your customers’ and users’ activity throughout different channels, extending far beyond just your website. We achieved this through integrations with other systems and platforms, including the following:

  • Internal (e.g., your website, your online store, your email marketing platform)
  • External (e.g., your social media channels, your marketplace accounts)
  • Natively integrated (e.g., your CRM)

As a result, you get a full view of every customer and keep track of their activity even if they switch channels or leave your website. This is possible thanks to iPresso ID. It’s our user identifier that allows you to maintain data consistency across multiple sources and integrate them in such a way as to share data across your systems. And because the integration is tailor-made for each channel, you frequently have access to real-time data!

Here, it’s vital to mention that the data belongs only to the company that administers it. iPresso safely aggregates data only for the benefit of the client and does not use it for any other purpose. In other words, you have full access and control over your customer data.

Tracking customer activity

CDP tracks all the relevant information about your customers, including their:

  • Demographic data (you can assign attributes to your customers for personalization purposes)
  • Behavioral data (e.g., their viewed product categories, opened emails, etc.)
  • Transactional data (previous purchases, product returns)

There is also an analytics feature allowing you to get a quick and easy view of the most common activities for a given customer.

Other important features of our Customer Data Platform

Tracking of anonymous users

There are a few more things that are worth mentioning when it comes to CDP. Many clients ask us about anonymous users. We make conducting communication with anonymous users possible through first-party cookies and data stored within them. Of course, with anonymous users, your options are somewhat limited, but personalization is still possible based on behavior using on-site actions. Also, anonymous users can be offered to accept the so-called push token. This gives you the opportunity to include web push in the communication with anonymous users.

Integrations with other tools

There is one more thing we want to discuss: You may want to integrate other tools and platforms with CDP, correct? What can you do in such a situation? For one thing, we’re continually working on developing iPresso, so the number of available integrations is gradually going up. But if you have some tool or system that’s not on our list, you can integrate it yourself (although, most likely, you’ll need your IT team to handle this for you).

We offer three types of integrations that you can use depending on your situation and technical expertise:

  • REST API: By providing a standardized way (usually based on HTML) to integrate different systems, REST APIs facilitate the integration of diverse tools.
  • JS API: It allows developers to integrate diverse web-based resources or services using JavaScript, thus giving you access to various features and data from external sources.
  • Mobile API iPresso: This is our proprietary API that’s based on HTTP protocol. If you’d like to learn more about our mobile API, click here.

Wrapping up

Customer Data Platform is a good option if you run a business that communicates with users using at least several different tools and platforms, such as social media or marketplaces. You can integrate these sources together in order to achieve one full view of your customers and their interests and activities. This Knowledge can next be used to introduce personalization and other sales-boosting techniques to your business. As a result, your online business becomes more effective and successful at attracting and retaining customers.

If you’d like to test CDP, we have an offer for you: Start with a free 30-day access to our marketing automation platform. It will give you access to many more features and allow you to test the potential of marketing automation without dedicating long-term.

Start here!

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