Meet the new functionality in iPresso Enterprise, the GeoPoints database

If you have a large number of stationary points, the ability to conveniently tailor your offer to your audience based on location is important and affects the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. There are professional tools and functionalities that can target a specific offer only to selected people. We present our new feature in iPresso Enterprise and show how it will facilitate communication with your customers.

What is a GeoPoints database

This is otherwise a collection of individual points with specific characteristics, added to our system. Such a base can be formed, for example, by all your stationary stores throughout Poland that are open 24/7 or have facilities for the disabled. Thanks to the possibility of adding various features and then targeting messages to recipients with an address within, for example, a radius of several kilometers from the given GeoPoints, you can create marketing campaigns for a selected region. Thanks to marketing automation, you are sure that specific recipients will be informed about special offers in local stores. The GeoPoints database also allows you to assign a given contact to a frequently selected favorite point. GeoPoints are helpful for communicating with customers and identifying local special offers. 

What to do to create such a database

If you like using Feed Manager, we have good news. GeoPoints databases are added on a similar basis, using geolocation. You can create such a database in three ways: manually, from a file (CSV or XML) or automatically from the server. By assigning points and features manually, you have a very large choice of different options. After creating the base, you have the option of adding collections, where you specify, for example, the criteria that the features of a given point must meet (that is, for example, whether it has additional attractions for children – true). For proper operation, it is necessary to run geolocation, allowing you to determine which contacts’ addresses are in a given area, in order to assign a particular user to the point closest to him.

How to use the GeoPoints database

GeoPoints open up a lot of opportunities especially in the FMCG industry, but of course they will be useful for anyone who runs multiple stationary points in different locations. Without the use of a GeoPoints database, your campaigns may unnecessarily target customers who are not interested in a particular message. After all, you don’t want someone from Krakow to get information about a few hours’ promotion at a store in Gdansk. People with an address, for example, 10 kilometers from that point, on the other hand, may benefit from such a promotion. GeoPoints can also help in campaigns for recipients coming from other regions. Knowing, for example, that most of your points are only in two provinces, you can send, for example, an email with an ad for your online store to customers from other areas. In this way, you can attract many customers who will appreciate a specially personalized offer for them.


The GeoPoints database can be used in many ways to increase interest in special promotions at local stationary points. With iPresso, you can easily determine the reach of a given marketing campaign and define criteria excluding a particular location from the database. With GeoPoints, your marketing campaigns will reach people living nearby. Apply iPresso Enterprise to your business and see the endless benefits!

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