Author: Jakub Wyciślik (Jakub Wyciślik)

Content automation: provide valuable information

Content automation: provide valuable information

The introduction of artificial intelligence-based technologies and content automation tools is significantly changing the way valuable information is delivered. In this article, we will focus on the benefits, tools and challenges related to content automation, also analyzing the prospects for its future development.

How to generate leads with marketing automation in 2024: 3 steps

How to generate leads with marketing automation in 2024: 3 steps

The majority of B2B companies do marketing with just one purpose – to improve their lead generation. That’s totally understandable – every B2B company needs clients to survive and grow. And this is where marketing automation steps in the game. You can use this tool to enhance your lead generation efforts and, as a result, bring more leads to your company. Let’s see how.

Campaign planner: new iPresso functionality

Campaign planner: new iPresso functionality

Planning marketing campaigns is becoming an indispensable element of the business strategy of every organization. Effective campaigns do not arise spontaneously, but are the result of a careful process of analysis, strategy and implementation. As the market becomes more complex and demanding, so does the importance of properly planning marketing campaigns.

How will you save with Marketing Automation?

How will you save with Marketing Automation?

Fortunes come from saving. It is always worth looking for alternative solutions that will reduce marketing costs and at the same time ensure sustainable growth. The most important thing is to reach new customers and increase the loyalty of current ones. Focus on your existing contact base - you will achieve more effective and cheaper results. Marketing automation will help with this.

Marketing automation and startup: Does it make any sense?

Marketing automation and startup: Does it make any sense?

If you’ve recently started your business, you need to think about a whole list of things, with acquiring clients and staying afloat being the two most important ones. Startups frequently decide to limit expenses, especially at the early stage of development. But there is a big question to answer: Should you save money on marketing automation? Or perhaps it’s a vital aspect of your startup business, and you should invest in it. Let’s have a look.

How does marketing automation improve demand generation?

How does marketing automation improve demand generation?

Demand generation is a strategy focused on increasing customer awareness of the company and its offerings. Marketing Automation plays a key role in implementing this strategy, enabling the automation of marketing processes, which allows you to reach the target audience more effectively and build relationships with customers.