Effectiveness is probably the number one factor when it comes to marketing campaigns (ex aequo with profitability). But it's not always easy to assess whether your campaign is actually effective; primarily the most straightforward goal (more clients) is usually the result of many different actions in your company, not just marketing campaigns. So, to help you with this issue, we've made a list of tools to help you assess your campaigns' effectiveness. Let's have a look!
Why is omnichannel the future of marketing?
Are your campaigns ineffective? Users are reading messages too late and missing out on promotional shopping opportunities? Communication with the customer should take place through multiple channels, and preferably interconnected. An omnichannel strategy combines online and offline activities, so you take care of the recipient at every stage of the purchase path.
How can WhatsApp marketing get you more customers?
If you run a B2C business (or even a B2B one, in some cases), WhatsApp can be one of the easiest ways to get more customers and improve CX (customer experience) in your company. How so? It’s one of the most popular, convenient, and flexible messaging platforms that’s just fantastic for sales and marketing purposes.
Did you know that your marketing strategy is outdated? Find out how to change it immediately!
Are you sending lots of ads and still not seeing results? Are you surprised why recipients prefer your competitors? You won't attract customers with old-fashioned measures, and you'll only waste a lot of time and burn through your budget. Face it - without using marketing automation, you won't reach the majority of people who are interested in your offers. We have some tips for you on how you can change your marketing strategy!
Grow sales with marketing automation
Marketing automation is your passageway to more sales, more people reaching out to your company, and higher AOV (average order value) rates. In this year’s last post, we want to show you how marketing automation can help you give your sales a solid boost. It’s your must-read as you’re planning sales and marketing activities in 2025!
How to use A/B tests in marketing automation
A/B tests can be immensely helpful when it comes to verifying and increasing the effectiveness of your campaigns. If you use our marketing automation platform, you can use A/B tests in at least four areas: Email marketing, retargeting, website content, and push notifications. In this post, we will show you what to consider when creating A/B tests and how to put them to work.
Get organized. A marketing brief in a nutshell
Want to launch a new marketing campaign? Before you start taking any action, you need to prepare a marketing brief. Don't know what it is? In this article you will learn all about it. We will also explain why a marketing brief is essential for advertising agencies.