How does a keyword planner work?

Online advertising and SEO do not exist without keywords. You can search for them on your own, or use a ready-made, free tool from Google. Get to know the keyword planner. Find out how to chase away the competition and sell more with its help.

We won’t discover America: companies all over the world are competing for users’ attention. A high position in search results is the key to success. After all, it is said that if you are on the second or third page of Google results, you have practically no chance to exist. Almost no one will notice you – because few people venture into such areas.

Google’s keyword planner is a powerful tool to help you understand what keywords are relevant to your industry, and what SEO strategies you can use to improve your visibility in search results. Let’s get started.

What is Google keyword planner?

It’s a tool available on the Google Ads platform – for free. It helps you research keywords related to your product, service or content. The main role of the keyword planner is to provide information about the popularity and competition of keywords, which is the driving fuel for SEO strategies and ad campaigns.

How does Google’s keyword planner work?

You will get Google’s recommended keywords based on several elements.

A. Keyword: you provide phrases that you think are related to your business or website. The keyword planner, based on this, will recommend new words that you have not used before.

B. Target page: you provide the address of your website/subpage. Google’s robots will analyze its content, resulting in a recommendation of keywords that best fit the profile and content of the site.

C. Product categories: you choose a category that fits your business. This will tell you what keywords customers are most likely to type into the search engine to find products or services similar to yours.

In addition, the keyword planner will evaluate the predicted effectiveness of the recommended keywords. What does this mean? It will advise how often the selected keywords will be used by customers for searches. There is also a useful function of proposing budget amounts (advertising rates) for specific words – an invaluable help when planning an advertising campaign.

You spend the money in your advertising budget on keyword rates. Rate means the maximum amount you are able to pay for it to be your ad that is displayed when a potential customer searches using your chosen (but also your competitors – don’t forget) keywords. With a higher rate, the chance of your ad showing up increases, although it’s a mix of several factors: the quality of the landing page and the ad creative itself also count.

Main functions of the keyword planner

Keyword research – the system will search a huge database of keywords for you. Just enter a few words related to your industry/topic – in return you will get a list of related keywords.

Traffic estimation – you will get information about the number of searches for a specific keyword, broken down by region and user language. This will tell you how many potential customers (more or less) you can attract to your domain using the selected keywords.

Competition – the level of competition for your selected keywords. Useful, because you can see if a phrase is difficult to reach in search results, or if you have a chance to rank higher than your rivals.

Rates – if you are active in Google Ads, the keyword planner will show suggested bidding rates for your selected keywords. An invaluable aid in planning your advertising budget, especially in terms of keeping it under control.

Trend history – based on historical data, you have a picture of search trends for a given keyword. It’s easy to see whether a keyword is gaining in popularity or, on the contrary, its importance is declining.

Keyword planner in practice

Start by typing in a few basic keywords related to your business. In return, you’ll get a rich source for analyzing related keywords that you may not have thought of, but which may also prove interesting (and yet undiscovered by your competitors).

Competitor analysis – as we said, you can check the level of competition for specific keywords. If you think that the competition for a particular word is too strong for you, or you have a limited advertising budget, you should consider flipping to less competitive keywords, which – with good winds and conscientious preparation of the campaign – can also give a positive effect. We advise you to focus your attention on keywords that are very popular, as this is a way to attract more traffic to your website.

The data obtained from the keyword planner will help you customize the content you create for your website, blog, or advertising campaign. It’s a good idea to analyze all of these sites and see if the keyword saturation is appropriate.


Google’s keyword planner is a valuable tool, a must have for anyone involved in Internet marketing and SEO. It helps you understand what keywords are relevant to your industry, what potential benefits you can get from them, and how to compete for a better position in search results.

Using a keyword planner in the right way will significantly improve your brand’s online visibility and attract more potential customers – and more sales will follow.

Keep in mind, however, that the tool – while great – requires systematic analysis and updating of your strategy, as you have no influence on search trends. So constantly monitor the results and adjust your actions to achieve the best possible results.

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