Message personalization: How to implement in Marketing Automation?

Why is personalization so important? In an era of information overload, consumers are bombarded with hundreds, if not thousands, of advertising messages every day. To capture their attention, brands must offer content that is not only relevant, but also tailored to each user’s unique needs. Personalization allows you to create more relevant and meaningful interactions, which in turn leads to higher customer satisfaction, greater loyalty and better business results.

What is personalization?

Personalization is nothing more than adapting content and messages to the individual needs, preferences and behavior of recipients. Imagine that you enter your favorite store and the salesperson already knows what you like and what you need. Instead of searching the shelves, you get suggestions for exactly the products that fit you perfectly. That’s what personalization does in marketing – it makes every interaction with a brand more personal and relevant.

With personalization, instead of sending the same message to all customers, companies can create unique messages that take into account who you are, what you like and what you’re looking for. It may be a personalized e-mail with an offer tailored to your recent purchases, a product recommendation on a website based on your browsing history, or even an advertisement that exactly matches your interests.

It’s like marketing saying, “Hey, I know you and I know what you’ll like.” This makes customers feel more appreciated and cared for, which in turn makes them more likely to return to a given brand and make further purchases.

Preparation for personalization 

Before you start personalizing your marketing messages, you need to prepare well. It’s a bit like planning a party – before you invite guests, you need to know who will come and what they like. 

Audience analysis

Understanding who your audience is is essential. Start with customer segmentation – divide them into groups according to various criteria, such as demographics, purchasing behavior, interests or location. For example, if you sell clothes, you might have separate segments for young people looking for the latest trends and for parents buying children’s clothing. The next step is to create personas, i.e. fictitious profiles representing typical customers. Personas will help you better understand the needs and expectations of different audience groups.

Data collection

Data is the fuel for personalization. Collect information about your customers from various sources, such as CRM, website, social media, emails and in-store transactions. You can collect demographic (age, gender, location), behavioral (what sites they visit, what they buy, how often they open emails) and transactional (purchase history, payment preferences) data. The more you know about your customers, the better you can tailor your messages.

Systems integration

To effectively personalize messages, you need to have all the data in one place. This means that your Marketing Automation tools must be integrated with other systems, such as CRM, CMS or e-commerce platform. Thanks to this, you will be able to easily manage data and create personalized campaigns that take into account the full picture of your customer. For example, if someone viewed a specific product on your site and then added it to their cart but didn’t complete the purchase, you can automatically send them an email reminder with a special offer for that product.

Preparing for personalization takes time and effort, but once you have a solid database and a good understanding of your audience, you can move on to creating personalized messages that truly meet the needs and expectations of your customers.

Creating personalized messages

Use personalization variables

Personalization of marketing messages begins with the use of personalization variables, i.e. data that allow you to tailor content to individual recipients. Personalization variables are information such as name, location, purchase history or user preferences. 

First name and last name

Adding the recipient’s name to the message makes the message more personal and attention-grabbing. For example, instead of starting your email with “Good morning,” you could write “Hi, Anna!” Thanks to this, the recipient feels that the message is addressed directly to him.


If you know where your recipient lives, you can tailor your content to their location. For example, you can send information about local events, special offers at nearby stores, or weather conditions that may affect his shopping needs. “Marek, check out our promotions on winter jackets in Krakow!”

Purchase history

Using data about previous purchases allows you to suggest products that may interest the customer. If someone bought running shoes from you, you can suggest running accessories or the latest shoe models. “Jolu, did you like our running shoes? See what else we have for running lovers!”

Behavior on the website

Tracking what a user has viewed on your website allows you to send them personalized recommendations. For example, if someone frequently looks at products in the electronics category, you can send them the latest deals on electronic gadgets. “Tomek, we noticed that you are interested in our laptops. We have a special offer for you!”

Preferences and interests

If you have information about your customers’ interests, you can tailor your content to their passions and hobbies. For example, if someone is a fan of a healthy lifestyle, you can send them recipes for healthy meals or offers for fitness products. “Kasia, check out our latest recipes for healthy breakfasts!”

Automatic segmentation rules

Mechanisms that allow dynamic grouping of customers based on specific criteria without the need for manual data processing. This allows marketers to target their campaigns more effectively, delivering the right content to the right audience at the right time.


Segmentation based on demographic data such as age, gender, location, education and marital status. For example, you can create customer segments aged 18-25, 26-35, etc. to tailor content to different age groups.

User behavior

Track customer activities on the website or app. You can create segments based on what pages they visit, what products they view, how long they stay on the site, and how often they return. Example: a segment of users who visited a product page more than three times in the last week.

Purchase history

Analyzing data about previous purchases allows you to create customer segments based on their purchasing preferences. You can create segments of customers who purchased specific products, spent a specific amount of money, or made a purchase within a specific time period. Example: a segment of customers who made a purchase in the last 30 days.

Email engagement

Monitoring customer interactions with email campaigns. Segments can be created based on who opened the email, who clicked on the links, who didn’t open the email, etc. Example: a segment of customers who clicked on a link in the last three emails.

Product preferences

Creating segments based on customer preferences for specific product categories. For example, if you run an online clothing store, you can segment customers based on their interests in categories such as “sportswear”, “shoes” or “accessories”.

Customer loyalty

Using loyalty programs to segment customers based on their level of loyalty. You can create segments based on the number of loyalty points, membership status (e.g. silver, gold, platinum) or purchase frequency. Example: VIP segment of customers who spend the most money.

A stage in the sales funnel

Create segments based on where the customer is in the sales funnel. For example, you can have segments for new leads, prospects who are considering purchasing, and customers who have already made a purchase. Example: a segment of leads who have signed up for the newsletter but have not yet made a purchase.

Automatic segmentation rules allow for dynamic and precise management of marketing campaigns. Thanks to this, you can more effectively reach different customer groups with appropriate messages, which increases the chances of campaign success and building lasting relationships with customers.

Automation of message personalization

Automation of message personalization in marketing is a process that uses advanced technologies and tools to adapt content to the individual needs and behavior of customers, without the need for manual intervention. 

1. Creating automation scenarios:

Defining different automation scenarios is the first step to effective personalization. These scenarios determine what actions the system will take in response to specific user behavior.

   – Welcome new customers: When someone signs up for your newsletter, automatically send a welcome message with an attractive offer or a guide to your most popular products.

   – Abandoned cart reminders: If a customer has added products to the cart but has not finalized the purchase, automatically send him e-mail reminders asking him to complete the transaction and a possible additional discount.

   – Birthday offers: Automatically sending personalized promotions on the occasion of a customer’s birthday, which builds a positive relationship and encourages repeat purchases.

2. Data-driven content optimization:

Using customer data, such as purchase history, preferences or website activity, you can dynamically adapt the content of messages. For example, if a customer regularly buys products from a particular category, automatically provide them with information about new products in the same category.

3. Real-time personalization:

The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies allows for the personalization of messages in real time. Based on current user behavior, the system can automatically provide personalized product recommendations or answers in interactions with customers, for example through chatbots.

4. Testing and optimization:

Regular testing of different message variants and analysis of the results allows for continuous improvement of the personalization strategy. Automating A/B testing allows you to quickly determine which versions of messages are most effective, enabling dynamic campaign optimization.

Tools supporting personalization

Marketing Automation, including the iPresso platform, supports personalization through a number of functions and possibilities that allow you to tailor communication to the individual needs and behavior of customers. 

1. Advanced segmentation: iPresso enables customer segmentation based on various criteria, such as demographics, purchasing behavior, website activity or interactions with e-mail messages. Thanks to this, you can precisely determine which audience groups you want to target and provide them with personalized messages.

2. Dynamic content: The platform allows you to create dynamic content that automatically adapts to the recipient’s data. For example, you can use personalization variables to automatically include the recipient’s name in your email or recommend products based on their previous purchases.

3. Campaign automation: iPresso allows you to create complex automation scenarios that respond to various customer behaviors in real time. For example, you can set up automatic reminders for abandoned shopping carts or send personalized birthday offers.

4. A/B tests, which allow you to check the effectiveness of different message variants. This allows you to find out which content is most effective and optimize your campaigns.

5. Integration with other systems: iPresso integrates with other tools, such as CRM or e-commerce systems, which allows for full automation of marketing processes and the use of a full set of customer data to personalize communication.


1. Greater customer engagement: Personalized messages are more engaging for your audience because they better meet their needs and interests. This, in turn, leads to greater interaction with the brand and increased customer trust.

2. Greater campaign effectiveness: Personalization allows you to deliver the right content, at the right time and through the right communication channel, which increases the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and leads to higher conversion rates.

3. Increased customer loyalty: Personalized shopping experiences make customers feel more appreciated and cared for by the brand. This builds an emotional bond and increases customer loyalty.

4. Save time and resources: Personalization automation saves time and resources by eliminating the need to manually tailor content to each recipient. This allows companies to manage their marketing campaigns more effectively.

5. Better data analysis: Personalization in Marketing Automation allows you to collect and analyze data about customer behavior and preferences in real time. This gives companies a better understanding of their audience and allows them to continually improve their marketing strategies.

To sum up, personalization in Marketing Automation allows companies to deliver more effective and engaging messages that better respond to customer needs and expectations.

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