Using contact forms in marketing automation

Contact forms are an effective marketing automation tool. An easy-to-implement solution that allows you to effectively generate leads and build a valuable contact database. How to do it in practice?

Lead generation

How forms help in acquiring potential customers

First step: the form must be in a strategic place on the page. Either at the top (visible immediately after entering) or as a pop-up.

Offer value for filling out the form. A lead magnet may be: an e-book, access to a webinar recording, a free trial period of your service, a discount on your first purchase. From experience, this makes you more inclined to provide contact information.

Arrange questions in the form to learn as much as possible about the customer’s needs. In iPresso, every piece of information is stored in the contact history. You will use this in the future to personalize your marketing communications.

An example is e-commerce, which often uses forms to subscribe to newsletters. “Caught” customers are often informed about new products and promotions. This builds a base of loyal subscribers willing to make repeat purchases.

Forms are great for running contests and promotions. They effectively increase customer engagement, e.g. in exchange for leaving data, participants can win attractive prizes. This not only increases the number of leads in the database, but also builds the brand image.

What information should be included in an effective form?

Basics: the form should be as simple as possible. The fewer fields to fill in, the greater the chance that the lead will leave data. Of course, in every case, don’t limit yourself to just an email – you won’t get much information about the client from it.

1. Basic contact details: name, surname, e-mail, telephone number. If you are doing B2B marketing, collect business e-mails and telephone calls – remember that company inboxes are better protected against spam and your e-mail may not always be received.

2. Depending on the industry and marketing goals, information such as age, gender, location. 

3. Interests – what products and services the customer is looking for. This is usually left as an open question, but a drop-down list works better (you filter out incorrect/incomprehensible answers).

4. For advanced marketing strategies, you can add fields such as preferred method of communication and sending frequency preferences.

5. Consent to the processing of personal data – known. Never forget about this, because you may end up with a large database of contacts that you can’t do anything with.

Building a contact database

What types of forms effectively collect data for the database?

1. Newsletter subscription – simple forms to sign up for regular updates or promotions. They collect basic data, most often name and e-mail address. 

2. Downloading resources – i.e. using lead magnets: e-books, reports, educational materials, etc. 

3. Event registration – leads collected for a specific event, which can be used in the future, e.g. in the next edition. You can also plan interesting communication unrelated to the event itself (unless the consent is one-off).

4. Contact forms, i.e. standard methods of communication on any matter.

5. Surveys – collecting feedback on products, services and purchasing experiences. A source of valuable information about customer needs.

How to effectively manage data and segment it according to criteria?

There’s not much you can do with the data itself. They need to be properly managed and segmented so that the right communication reaches the right recipients.

You can do mass mailings to an unorganized database, but it defeats the purpose in the long run.

1. Store your data in one place. It will be easier to manage them globally. In iPresso, you have all the information in the system. Let us add that the information is constantly updated after new activity of the monitored contact.

2. Take care of the hygiene of the base. Archive/delete long inactive contacts, invalid records, accounts that bounce your messages. New customers will not be born from them.

3. Segment all the time. Based on data, gender, location, user behavior. The more precise segments you isolate, the more effective your communication will be. At the beginning of 

Forms in iPresso – the best method of generating leads

Why do it in HTML when there is a visual editor?

The one in iPresso allows you to intuitively create and adapt the form to the appearance of your website.

A simple interface allows you to quickly add new fields, change their arrangement, and create a style that matches the company’s visual identification.

You can add any fields you need to the form. Drop-down lists, checkboxes, dates, text fields and the ability to attach files.

iPresso is a marketing automation system, so you can automate processes after completing the form. For example, you can configure an automatic confirmation or offer email to be sent after a form submits a request. Automation speeds up and streamlines the lead conversion process.

Content personalization and process automation allow for better user engagement and building stronger relationships with them, which in turn contributes to increased brand loyalty and trust.

New forms in iPresso are designed to be as user-friendly as possible, which increases the chances that potential customers will complete the forms. 


The new forms in iPresso have been designed to make the process of obtaining leads and automating marketing activities as easy as possible. Thanks to the simple visual editor, even people without coding knowledge can easily create and adapt forms to their needs. These forms offer a wide range of available fields, allowing you to tailor them to your company’s specific goals and requirements.

Personalization of form content based on user data and integration with CRM systems increase the effectiveness of marketing activities. Automation of processes, such as sending confirmations or offers after completing the form, speeds up the conversion of leads and streamlines the entire marketing process. Optimizing forms for conversions makes them more attractive to users, which translates into a higher number of leads obtained.

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