How to measure the effectiveness of a marketing automation campaign?

Even if you have the best automation tool, you won’t realize its full potential without measuring its effectiveness. How do you know if what you’re doing is right? We will help you assess the effectiveness of your marketing automation.

Setting campaign goals

Set clear, measurable goals. We recommend using the SMART concept:

Specifc – goals should be precisely defined.

Measurable – goals that can be measured with specific indicators.

Achievable – goals must be realistic and achievable.

Relevant – goals should be relevant to your marketing strategy.

Time-bound – give goals a specific deadline.

Example . Don’t set a goal of “increasing sales”. It doesn’t mean anything to anyone.

Define the goal as “increase sales by 10% in 3 months using an email campaign.”

Select KPI

Key Performance Indicators. They demonstrate the effectiveness of achieving key business goals.

KPIs are typically used at various levels of an organization to assess success in achieving strategic and operational goals. Well-set KPIs monitor progress, identify areas for improvement and help you make informed business decisions.

KPIs in email marketing

Open Rate, percentage of opened emails. The most popular indicator showing whether your emails are popular at all. To increase OR, it is best to use the subject of the email, because it is the first thing the recipient sees. You can also add emojis (but at most one) to attract attention.

Don’t overuse exclamation points and caps lock in your topics, and don’t shout too loudly about promotions. This is an easy way to end up in spam.

Click Through Rate , CTR, what percentage of recipients clicked on links in the email. The more the better, so highlight CTA buttons in each creation so that no one misses them. Don’t forget to add UTMs to the links to check in the analytics where the traffic to your website comes from.

Conversion Rate , the percentage of recipients performing the desired action, e.g. purchasing a product recommended in the email. E-mail, like any marketing tool, has to make money (ROAS is important), so if you sell via e-mail marketing, make sure to create a good message.

To increase CR, marketing automation is useful, as it can recommend the products the customer is looking for (there is a greater chance that they will buy something they really like) and personalize the content of e-mails, as well as save abandoned carts by offering, for example, discounts or promotions.

KPIs in SMS marketing

Delivery Rate , the percentage of sent SMS messages successfully delivered to recipients. The most important indicator for assessing the quality of the database and the effectiveness of your SMS provider.

Open Rate , the percentage of messages opened. Typically, text messages are opened as soon as they are received, but monitor this metric as it can help you gauge how well your message is performing.

CTR , the percentage of recipients clicking on links in the message (in relation to the number of SMS delivered). Here you can check the recipients’ engagement and interest in SMS content.

Bounce Rate , the percentage of SMS sent but not delivered. If you see a high BR, you most likely have a database quality problem (bad phones?).

Opt-Out Rate , how many recipients opt out of SMS after receiving the campaign. Pay attention to this – many unsubscribers suggest that the content of the messages is not interesting for them, or your campaigns are sent too often.

Average Order Value (AOV) , the average value of a customer’s order after clicking on the SMS link. AOV helps you assess the financial value generated by a campaign.

KPIs in pop-ups

Conversion Rate, the percentage of users performing the desired action (e.g. newsletter subscription, purchase) after interacting with the pop-up. This indicator assesses how effectively a pop-up convinces people to take specific actions.

Bounce Rate , what percentage of users saw the pop-up and then left the site without any interaction with the site. Be careful – a high BR indicates poor quality of the pop-up. Most likely it shows up too often or is too invasive and bothersome.

Exit Intent Rate – the percentage of users who leave the website without interacting with the pop-up. It helps you understand whether pop-ups are effective in keeping people on your website.

Time On Site , the average time spent on the site after interacting with the pop-up. It shows whether pop-ups increase engagement and encourage people to stay longer on the website.

Scroll Depth , the depth at which the page scrolls after interacting with the pop-up. You will check whether pop-ups are effective in attracting attention to the rest of the page.

Indicators in Social Media campaigns

Engagement Rate , the percentage of user involvement in content on social media. This includes likes, comments, shares – everything that increases the reach of your post/ad.

To achieve high ER, you need an interesting creation – especially graphically, because hardly anyone on social media pays attention to the text. It is important, but only those interested in distinctive graphics will read it.

Follower Growth , the increase in the number of followers. As the name suggests, social media (at least in theory) should be about building communities around the brand. More followers means greater reach.

Reach , the number of unique users who saw your post. In practice, such users are more interested in your content because they are looking for what you can offer them – unlike paid campaigns, where you sometimes go wide and catch random recipients.

Measuring the effectiveness of campaigns in iPresso

Before starting a campaign, it is important to define its goals, such as:

– Increasing the number of subscribers.

– Increasing sales.

– Improving customer engagement.

– Lead generation.

iPresso offers various methods of campaign monitoring. Here are some key indicators:

Open Rate: The percentage of recipients who opened the email you sent.

Click-Through Rate: The percentage of recipients who clicked on links in the message.

Conversion Rate: The percentage of recipients who took the desired action, e.g. made a purchase.

Bounce Rate: The percentage of emails that were not delivered to recipients.

In iPresso you have many reports at your disposal. You can adapt them to your needs:

E-mail reports: Analyzes of opens, clicks, conversions and bounces.

User behavior reports: Tracking how users interact with your website after clicking on a link in an email.

Lead scoring reports: Score leads based on their activity and engagement.

Thanks to segmentation, you can precisely determine which audience groups respond best to campaigns, which allows you to better tailor your content to their needs and interests.

Testing different versions of your campaign (e.g. different email subject lines, content, calls to action) allows you to identify which elements are most effective.

Tracking how users navigate your website after clicking on a link from an email campaign helps you understand their behavior and optimize conversion paths.

Integration with CRM, e-commerce and analytical systems allows you to collect a more complete picture of campaign effectiveness. You can combine data from different sources for a more comprehensive analysis.

Direct feedback from customers about the campaign (e.g. through NPS surveys or feedback forms) can provide valuable information that is not visible in dry statistics.

Examples of tools and functions in iPresso:

Dashboard: A central place where you can monitor the most important campaign metrics.

Analytics: A tool for analyzing campaign results in real time.

Lead Scoring: A feature that automatically awards points for various user activities.

Automatic reports: Regularly generated reports that you can customize to your needs and send to interested people in your organization.


Measuring the effectiveness of marketing campaigns based on automation is a complex process that requires precise definition of goals, selection of appropriate KPIs, use of advanced analytical tools and continuous monitoring and optimization of activities. Thanks to this, you will not only improve the effectiveness of your campaigns, but also increase ROI and achieve better business results.

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