Why are recommendation frames crucial for effective e-commerce strategies?

If you run an online store, you surely understand the value of personalized product recommendations. This way, you can increase the average order value and win your customers’ loyalty and engagement (customers appreciate stores that understand their needs and interests). And we have a tool that will help you do so – recommendation frames. Let’s have a look at them!

Personalization is the way to achieve not just customer satisfaction but mainly – more sales. According to a study published some time ago, introducing personalization in an online store leads to up to 45% increase in conversion rates.

This means that implementing personalization will make your online business more profitable. And given that it doesn’t have to be an expensive investment, you should definitely do so!


In short, you should personalize everything to get the best results. Focus on emails (and other forms of communication with your customers) and product search results. If you run a loyalty program, it’s also a good idea to consider introducing personalized discounts based on a customer’s previous spending.

The benefits of introducing personalization to your e-commerce business

Apart from what we’ve already mentioned, personalization (especially personalized product recommendations) will help you benefit from new sales techniques that are not available (or only in a limited form) to stores that don’t have any personalization solutions. Specifically, we’re talking about upselling and cross-selling:

  • Upselling allows you to offer a better/more expensive version of a given product to a customer who you know might be willing to pay more. Upselling is more effective when you’re tracing the buying habits of your customers because you can especially target people who were willing to pay more for a better product in the past.
  • Cross-selling is mostly based on the category of the product a given person wants to purchase but if you know their needs and interests, you can use this knowledge to make your product recommendations even more relevant to a given person.

Personalization also allows you to build long-lasting and more meaningful relations with your customers. People appreciate stores that know their needs and provide offers that meet those needs. This way, you can position yourself as an expert who knows how to assist his/her customers in buying the right products.

What do you need to introduce personalization to your store?

If you want to benefit from personalized recommendations in your e-commerce business, you need two types of customer information:

  • Their characteristics (e.g., demographic)
  • Their previous purchases and the history of communication with your customer service

Combining these two elements allows you to provide customers with recommendations that are tailored to who your customers are and what they are interested in. That’s the most effective form of personalized recommendations.

Our contact database management feature will help you gather all this information and then keep it organized in one place. Of course, it must be integrated with your e-commerce website so that there can be a seamless flow of information between your store and iPresso. But once that’s established, you have free access to our personalization features. And speaking about personalization features:

Use recommendation frames to boost sales in your online store

Our recommendation frames are designed to boost user experience across a variety of digital platforms, especially online stores. This function allows you to display products and services directly via the feed on their website. What’s especially important is that this feature works with both logged-in and anonymous users. 

This feature comes with a creator allowing you to customize existing templates or design new ones from scratch, thus ensuring that the recommendation frames align perfectly with your brand and marketing strategy.

As we mentioned before, one of the most important benefits of using recommendation frames is the increase in conversion rates through personalized product offers. By presenting a broad range of products and services on their website, either as part of the page content or through pop-ups, you can also increase the visibility of the offers you want to promote. What’s especially interesting is that your store can react almost instantly to customer activities and provide them with relevant upselling and cross-selling offers so that you can increase AOV.

Naturally, our recommendation frames are fully integrated with other tools in our platform so that you can collect customer-related data, including attributes and actions, which can be next used for personalization purposes. 

Thanks to this integration, you can also reach customers with the right message at the right time through various channels such as email, SMS, push notifications, and on-site messages. Lastly, you can use personalization frames to create retargeting campaigns to rescue lost or unfinished orders.

All in all, our recommendation frames allow you to make the most of personalization in your store, and combined with other tools, you can implement personalization not just to your website but to entire communication with customers as well as your customer service!

Start using personalization with iPresso today!

If you’d like to take your online business to the next level and make it more personalized, we invite you to start using iPresso today! Our platform has everything you need to make the most of marketing automation in your online business. Now, you can start using iPresso for free. All you need to do is send us this short contact form, and we’ll set you up for a free 30-day trial access (no credit card required).

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