Improve your FMCG consumer promotions with marketing automation

Consumer promotions, such as discounts, coupons/vouchers, loyalty programs, and contests, play a vital role in the FMCG sector, primarily because they engage customers and encourage them to buy more products. However, given the high competition and frequent purchases in this sector, these promotions need to be frequent and effective to make a real difference in the sales and revenue charts. And this is where our role as a marketing automation platform begins. There are five applications on our platform that you can use to streamline the creation and communication of special deals or consumer promotions to your customers. Let’s have a look at them!

Generally speaking, iPresso can help you with almost everything related to consumer promotions, even integrating your promo codes with the production line (so that each promo code lands on the specific product). With our help, you can generate promo codes, create dedicated landing pages for your promotions, and automate communication with your customers, including multichannel communication capabilities.

5 tools: Improve your consumer promotions

Generate promo codes

Presso provides a seamless way to generate promo codes that help boost customer engagement and drive sales.

With just a few steps with our loyalty tools, you can create promo codes tailored to various campaigns, such as discounts, special offers, or consumer rewards. Once your promo codes are ready, you can use them in many different ways, including:

  • Integrating them with your online store
  • Generating printouts for your physical products
  • Managing promo code templates and many other functions 

This way, you can enrich your loyalty program and increasing its profitability. iPresso can also help you with distributing these codes to your customers using multichannel communication (we’ll discuss this in a moment), including personalized emails, text messages, and push notifications. Additionally, promo codes can be tracked almost in real time, giving you insights into their usage and effectiveness. You can use this knowledge to improve your future campaigns.

Create landing pages with forms

More and more often FMCG promotions include the use of dedicated landing pages where customers can leave their details or use the discount code. Such landing pages oftentimes include contact forms allowing customers to sign up or get their rewards. With iPresso, you can create such landing pages with ease!

Our platform offers customizable templates that allow you to build attractive landing pages without the need for extensive design or coding skills. These pages can be optimized for various campaigns, such as product launches, event registrations, or standard promotional offers. The contact or signup forms can be embedded directly into the landing page, thus enabling you to collect customer contact information, such as names, emails, or given customer preferences. And because our platform comes with extensive CRM features, you can easily and automatically store all the customer data in our platform, which streamlines lead management.

Collect contacts and monitor their activities

As you already know, iPresso simplifies the process of collecting customer data but our functionality goes beyond simple CRM applications! With our platform, you can also monitor your customers’ activities. This is possible through various touchpoints such as landing pages, email signups, and physical promo codes. Once the activity is performed, it’s automatically categorized and stored in our system. Our activity tracking features allow you to monitor customer interactions across multiple channels (which is very useful for multichannel communication purposes).

Use this valuable input to better understand which campaigns resonate most with your audience. By analyzing these activities, you can refine your messaging, target specific segments, and deliver more personalized content, thus driving better customer engagement and loyalty.

Automate processes and communications

That’s what iPresso is all about! You can use our platform to streamline diverse marketing processes and communications, reduce manual work (and the time it requires), and increase the effectiveness of your marketing-related activities.

With iPresso, you can easily create automation workflows/scenarios that allow you to trigger specific actions based on customer activities. Automation ensures that communication with all the customers is always timely, relevant, and consistent, which also contributes to their satisfaction and CX and can help build good long-term relations with your customers. And because with iPresso you have access to many other features, such as customer segmentation and communication personalization, you can tailor your messaging based on customer preferences and their previous actions. Our automation features also extend to internal processes, such as lead scoring, thus ensuring that potential customers are moved through the sales funnel efficiently. With our help, you can achieve better campaign results while saving the time and resources that your marketing campaigns require!

Conduct multichannel communication

Email, SMS, WhatsApp, and push notifications – these are the communication channels you can use to stay in touch with your target audience using our marketing automation platform. Thanks to the multichannel approach, you can be there with your customers right where they are and provide them with seamless and consistent brand experiences across different touchpoints.

Our segmentation and personalization tools ensure that all messages are tailored to specific customer groups, enhancing the relevancy and effectiveness of your communication. What’s also important is that you can schedule and automate your communication with customers, thus ensuring timely delivery regardless of external factors. And because you can use customer data that you’ve collected across different channels, you can optimize your messaging even further and use it to build strong and long-term customer relationships that significantly contribute to your target audience’s loyalty and activity.

Future campaigns

Every marketing/promotional campaign can be a good introduction to the next one! As you already know, with iPresso, you can store and manage customer data effectively. Use our CRM features to create a customer base that can be utilized in your future marketing efforts. Concentrate on such elements as: 

  • Customer preferences
  • Past purchases and activities
  • Interactions with your customer service, etc. 

This way, you will get valuable insights that can next be used to improve your future strategies and campaigns. Additionally, it’s always a good idea to segment your customer base into specific groups based on their behavior, demographics, or interests. This way, you can benefit from targeted campaigns that deliver content and offers that are tailored to resonate with each customer segment.

Wrapping up

If you run an FMCG company, iPresso can be a vital support in your everyday work. We have a special version of our platform that’s designed specifically for FMCG companies – take a look at the linked subpage and start using iPresso today! To kick things off, you can begin with a free trial period. Reach out to our team, and we’ll help you get everything done!

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