How can marketing automation optimize the student recruiting process in the education sector?

Whether you run a school, a university, or an online training/education platform, your success largely depends on whether you can get more students/users on a regular basis. With iPresso, you can optimize this process and get more students on auto-pilot. We have several tools that will enable you to do so. Let’s have a look at them.

From the marketing perspective, recruiting students in a typical sales-funnel process. First, the prospective student needs to open your website, then find the training/program they are interested in, and finally – sign up for it.

In theory, that’s easy, but there are many factors at play along the way, and many leads will not finish the process for many reasons. Employing marketing automation, especially tools designed to keep your prospects engaged, can help you lower the percentage of lost opportunities and maximize your website’s and your strategy’s potential.

Below, we will show you four tools that will allow you to recruit students more effectively, from the first visit on your website up to communication with students who decided to sign up with you.

How to recruit students on auto-pilot: 4 tools


The first few seconds are critical; you need to capture your student’s attention as quickly as possible. If they don’t find what they were looking for on your website, they will simply close it and move to the next one.

Content automation is one of the tools that can help you grab students’ attention from the first seconds of their visit. This feature automatically adjusts the body of marketing campaigns and your website to provide students with personalized content, e.g., relating to the type of training or education they are interested in.


In eight out of ten cases, students have at least a few questions before they enroll with your educational facility or platform. Your role is to provide them with a quick and convenient communication channel. Of course, phone is important, but you should also have an intuitive contact form on your website, ideally – on every landing page for specific types of courses/training.

Our web forms provide you with just that, and because they are no-code solutions, you can implement them on your website easily. You can use forms to collect inquiries from potential students regarding the educational offer, express their willingness to participate in educational events and establish contact with interested students, which helps you collect their contact information, build positive relationships with them, and provide them with personalized information about your offer.

With a flexible contact form on your website, you can encourage students to reach out to you and ask their questions. From this moment, it’s much easier to encourage such a prospect to enroll with you!


The next tool that will help you recruit more students is called marketing automation scenarios. It’s one of our core offerings. With MA scenarios, you can essentially plan the whole communication flow with every prospect simply by setting a list of actions and reactions to keep the communication going.

At some point, you can use these scenarios to encourage your students to sign up with you. You can also use other incentives, such as discounts, to reach out to people who struggle to make the final decision.

Everything is fully customizable so you can create scenarios that are perfectly tailored to your business profile and your offer. MA scenarios can comprise different communication forms, product recommendations, special offers, automated responders, and more. There are also predefined templates so you don’t need to figure everything out from scratch. Many of those templates can be adopted to the needs of an educational company.


Cart or process abandonment is an issue that not only e-commerce struggles with. Many educational institutions see this problem – prospective students start the process, they are close to signing up, and then something happens, and the process is canceled. Sometimes, they will come back to finish it, but most of the time – they don’t.

In such a situation, we have a solution! iPresso allows you to react to abandoned processes thanks to our fourth feature. Our system allows you to define your own rules, enabling personalization of messages to contacts in the database and anonymous users who started the process but never finished it. This way, depending on the selected conditions allowing you to reach a specific segment, you can reach out to those prospects and encourage them to finish the process. You can offer them some incentives, e.g., a discount, early-bird access to new courses, or additional free materials.

Naturally, it mostly depends on what you can offer to such a hesitating student, but when it comes to rescuing abandoned processes, offering something additional is usually very effective, and can help you get more students “on board”.

Wrapping up

iPresso will help you recruit more students on auto-pilot. The four tools we mentioned above streamline the recruiting process and help you encourage hesitant students to reach out. From this moment on, it all rests on your company’s team to close as many deals as possible.

Here at iPresso, we understand the needs of educational institutions. That’s why we have a version of our marketing automation platform that’s specifically designed for the needs of the education sector. Go to the linked subpage on our website and schedule a free appointment with our team. 

And if you’d like to test our platform before you purchase full access, you can do so by registering for a free, 30-day trial. Go here to do so.

We’re looking forward to working with you!

iPresso team

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