Build (and expand) your contact base. Some strategies to get started

The information you have about your site’s users is much more important than you think. No matter what kind of business you have, your contact base is a tremendous value and it is the basis for contacting your audience. Without it, it is impossible, among other things, to personalize marketing campaigns and target ads to specific people. In this article, we will help you build your contact base. You will also get a lot of tips to expand it in the future.

How to get contacts

There are several ways to get data from people interested in your offer. We will not, of course, elaborate on issues such as buying a ready-made base, because if you read our blog, you have already encountered this topic covered more than once. Bases from unknown sources do not have the appropriate consents expressed, and the data is acquired mostly illegally. We will give examples of how to use certain tools to help you get information from people with a real interest in your company.

Use contact forms

This is one of the easiest ways to get data from potential customers. The form visible on the site should encourage users to fill it out, so it must be simple and clear. Ideally, its design should not deviate significantly from other content and should not have users enter unnecessary data. However, remember to include on the form, among other things, the necessary marketing consents or email or phone number to contact the recipient. By forgetting these simple things, you may inadvertently violate the regulations, and the database, despite the large amount of data, will turn out to be useless.

Hold events like webinars

Many potential customers would like to gain knowledge about your products in order to be willing to make a possible purchase. By offering webinars and other events, you will attract people who show interest. By providing willing registrants with a registration form, you’ll get some valuable information about individuals, and you’ll already be able to segment your contacts by topic preferences, for example. To attendees of a large number of events, you can automatically send, for example, an additional discount on a selected offer, increasing conversions and sales.

Use different lead magnets

Some people are not willing to provide data that is important to marketers unless they receive a small gift in return. “Rewarding” those who fill out the form and share data will earn you their appreciation and make them more inclined to buy. Ensure that the lead magnet is properly tailored and encourages people to learn more about your offer. If you have no idea what kinds of things can attract new contacts, we rush with examples:

  • Ebooks, depending on the subject matter, are effective “rewards” for beginners and enthusiasts alike
  • Check-lists will help promote various products, and at the same time support the customer in achieving some goal
  • Free samples will encourage those who were thinking of buying and increase confidence in unsure people who previously had a lot of doubts about whether your offer was worth it
  • Special offers will allow customers to purchase products at more favorable prices, thus increasing customer engagement
  • Newsletters can attract those who always want to stay up to date

Create landing pages, without unnecessary elements

A well-made landing page is a key element of any advertising campaign. A user who is interested in a particular ad is immediately redirected to this page after clicking and can buy a particular product right away, without having to search for the right category on the homepage. Did you know that landing pages are also extremely popular for acquiring new contacts? One way is to use lead magnets in a campaign like information about testing a product for 30 days for free. A user who clicks on a particular button goes to a page with a contact form, where they leave their information and, for example, get a downloadable trial version sent to their email address right away in a reply back. Landing pages should not be made on the fly and with mistakes. Remember that the impressions they provide to the viewer will largely determine further interest and next actions such as purchase.

Use well-designed pop-ups

Someone who comes to your site and browses your products can already instantly pass on some of the most important information to your contact database. All you need to do, for example, is place an eye-pleasing pop-up on your homepage that includes a button redirecting to a contact form. Pop-up can instantly collect basic data such as email address and first name, in order to at least sign up for a newsletter or notify about the availability of a particular item. With iPresso, you can use ready-made templates to help you customize the look and content for your site. Depending on a person’s activity, pop-ups will automatically appear with personalized content, so you won’t have to worry that someone will find such ads unsuitable for their needs. By setting specific actions to trigger pop-ups and time, such ads will not be considered intrusive or intrusive.

Additional tips to encourage new people to use your services and increase engagement

If you’ve already taken the first steps with creating your own contact base, you’re probably wondering how you can now gain the loyalty of new customers and how you can further increase the number of contacts. Learn our tips and find out that expanding your contact base is not all that difficult.

Take care of your website

New users will certainly not recommend a site that is too advanced, not very intuitive and every action is a difficulty. Check for errors, scaring off potential customers and causing them to stop shopping. Also make regulations and promotional information available to increase trust. Remember responsiveness, too, as your customers are bound to choose different devices to view your offerings and fill out forms.

Conduct personalized email marketing

Many entrepreneurs assume that sending the same emails to different recipients is much faster and more convenient than customizing content individually. In reality, it’s not that difficult or time-consuming at all. Using marketing automation, you can personalize a message to each recipient and send it automatically, within moments. With a database of contacts and segmentation into different groups, you can easily tailor your offer to the user. Personalized emails will increase engagement and interest. New customers who have received such messages will be more likely to recommend your company, which can contribute to acquiring new contacts.

Publish blog posts and encourage newsletter signups

By providing value to all interested parties in the form of blog posts, you can see which topics you cover attract the largest audience. By preparing special links in the content of your articles that will redirect people who are interested in a particular topic to your newsletter, you will collect their data for your database in the process. If your products are from different not necessarily related categories, it will be a good idea to run several different newsletters depending on the subject matter.


Having your own database of contacts is extremely important and helpful in any industry. Using helpful tools such as contact forms, collecting information about a particular customer and their activities is not a problem. Marketing automation allows you to reach out to an interested person and get the data you need, in order to customize marketing campaigns and special promotions. With iPresso, contacting a potential customer is fast and convenient, and the contact database is automatically created and replenished depending on the actions taken by the person.

You can learn about different marketing automation tools and try our platform for 30 days for free. Fill out and send us a short contact form and see how you can improve your contacts with customers.

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