How to ensure the growth of contacts to the base?

A database with information about customers and potential stakeholders is extremely useful for any company. It is thanks to it and properly collected data that it is possible to create tailored content for the audience and transmit messages through the appropriate communication channel. Getting new people into the database can be quite a problem, due to the limited contact with the anonymous user. People are often reluctant to give out information about themselves and are afraid of invasion of privacy. Of course, nowadays the security of customer data should be a priority. In this article you will learn about various ways to increase contacts in the database and obtain valuable data in a user-friendly way.

Why buying a ready-made database is not a good solution, i.e. quantity is not quality

Of course, the easiest idea to get contacts is to buy them, but we have already mentioned more than once the dangers of doing so. Ready-made databases usually contain data from unknown and even illegal sources, and on top of that they are still without the proper approvals. Further considering such a solution? Imagine that you have several million contacts in a ready-made purchased database. So what if you can’t contact them. Remember, you are the one who will have a problem later when you send some advertising to a random stranger who has not consented to it. In addition, potential customers from such a base may not be a good match for your offer. When selling children’s books in Poland, a database of 500 contacts of parents (who are realistically interested in your products) will be much more valuable than information about 10,000 people from all over the world (who don’t even know Polish and won’t understand your ads).

How to target an anonymous user

You already know how you won’t properly expand your base. There are many ways to encourage real people, interested in your offer, to leave basic data:

The right forms are key to success

Most marketing campaigns are sent to recipients via SMS or email. However, at first you do not know such data. This is where forms come in handy, allowing you to provide basic information, such as when you want to sign up for newsletters, receive information about news and special offers. They are also essential for contacting the company and asking questions and providing any comments. Many companies make the mistake and don’t pay much attention to the appearance, yet it is through the form that the user usually first expresses his or her interest, and if it differs significantly from other elements on your site, it will certainly not arouse the interest and trust of potential customers. People don’t have the patience or inclination to fill out a lot of boxes, so it’s best not to force them to be detailed. You yourself will certainly be distanced from the beginning from a company that requires a residential address or bank account number just to inquire about a product. Initially, it’s best to create a form where you have to fill in basic data, such as your name and email address, and give you the opportunity to mark the relevant consents – which in principle should be your responsibility. On such a basis, you will be able to send further messages and record more data about the contact. 

Pop-ups will catch the eye

How do you let users know about news or special offers? Take advantage of pop-ups! This is an effective way to get a person’s attention, and through a relevant link, such as to register for a limited collection pre-sale, you will get the necessary information for further communication. What’s more, it’s a good way to encourage people to sign up for a newsletter or get an e-book, for example. All you need is a “pop-up” on the page with specific information about registering and providing your email address. An encouraging and effective form for those who have been browsing your site for a long time, but nothing comes of it.

Based on activity, you can apply personalization

Think an anonymous person is unidentifiable and your offer can’t be tailored to them? In iPresso, you’ll use the Customer Data Platform, among others, so you’ll be able to check the actions taken in an advanced way. Unidentified users can also be tracked thanks to so-called “cookies,” storing various data. Knowing, among other things, about the products browsed, you will easily match ads to a specific potential customer.

Lead magnets your secret weapon

What if you could offer users something in exchange for providing some of their most relevant data? Use lead magnets, or small “rewards” for those who fill out a form and share their data. Most often these are e-books, check-lists, free samples or special offers of various kinds. It is important that lead magnets are a value in themselves, as they are meant to attract, not discourage, recipients. For example, when signing up for a newsletter and running a cake accessories store, you can offer an e-book on cake decorating techniques for professionals to all interested parties for download. Regardless of your industry, this is a very good way to encourage potential customers.


There are many ways to ensure that you gain contacts to your base. Various forms, pop-ups and lead magnets are worth using, encouraging anonymous users to provide basic information. A database with valuable data is the foundation for segmenting and personalizing offers, so it should be used in your business as well.

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