WhatsApp is far more than just a messenger for everyday communication between friends and family. Today, it’s a vital communication tool companies more and more eagerly use to stay in touch with their customers. What should you know about WhatsApp?
Marketing automation in e-commerce: Huge potential for your business
Marketing automation comes in handy in almost every sector and company, but this technology truly shines in e-commerce. As it happens, in online trade, it’s all about well-designed, repetitive processes. And that’s exactly what marketing automation offers. We want to show you how marketing automation can take your e-commerce business to a whole new level.
What is a buyer persona, and how to create it?
Do you use buyer (or customer) personas in your marketing activities? With them, you can craft more accurate and effective marketing campaigns, develop a more in-depth bond with your customers, and offer them improved CX. Let’s see what there is to know about customer personas.
SMS marketing: A worthy addition to your marketing strategy
The first text/SMS message was sent exactly 30 years ago – in December 1992. Today, around 270,000 text messages are sent worldwide daily. This tool has quickly gained traction due to obvious advantages – especially convenience and speed.
Master RTM – what do you need to know about this advanced marketing technique?
Have you ever heard of RTM (real-time marketing)? This strategy can give your brand a significant boost in a short period. However, there are several important boxes to tick, and if you don’t do RTM correctly – you can end up being ridiculed or even hated by your fans. Let’s have a look at what you need to know about RTM.
Start using push notifications to stay in touch with customers
Are you looking for a quick and effective way of staying in touch with customers, both on personal computers and mobile devices? If so, consider push notifications as your best bet.
How to create a marketing automation strategy
So, you’ve heard that marketing automation is a beneficial tool helping your company save a lot of time and money. And while that’s 100% true, you cannot just decide that henceforth, you start applying it in your everyday operations.