Imagine that you serve a customer. You call him, write emails, prepare proposals, recommend materials, remind him about events, and redirect him to websites. A lot of work, right? Now imagine having to handle 50 of them a day in the same way. That’s a lot, huh? How about if it’s not 50, but 500?...
Communication channels in Marketing Automation
Modern-day user is constantly bombarded with lots of information from every direction, day by day. Most of this information contains various marketing offers, so his or her attention is very fragmented. To reach the new user and convert him/her into the client, messages need to be meaningful, enjoyable, and personalized. Without it building a long-term...
iPresso’s Integration Center
MarTech is a sphere that keeps on growing. The amount of accessible tools make a wide spectrum from which every marketer can easily choose something for him/herself to improve daily work and smoothen the road for reaching the company’s goals. The main goal of MarTech tools is to make daily marketing processes easier, more manageable,...
What is the place of Marketing Automation in marketing strategy?
What is the place of Marketing Automation in marketing strategy? Marketing Automation is not a destination, but a means to it. It should be treated as one of the main columns on which your business is based. Each marketing automation tool is just another product, but choose wisely, it could boost your selling strategies. So...
Persona in Marketing Automation
Persona is a model that maps our client along with a set of important features which are important for us. Depending on our needs, we can assign such person interests, characteristic features, skills, needs or requirements. Thanks to the specific classification, we will be able to reach relevant target customers with content that possibly will...
Marketing Automation as an Intro to Customer Care and Customer Loyalty
Using the marketing automation tool is only a beginning. You can easily identify the client and sell him a product or a service thanks to personalized messaging but you can just as easily lose him. A tool for marketing automation should be treated as a commitment to customer care. If you interfere with his privacy...
What is Marketing Automation?
The marketing automation is a toolset full of various instruments that help a marketer doing his job. A lot of things can be automated; you can use specialized software or a behemoth – a large set of software with many specialized modules. There is, however, another really important aspect of marketing automation – getting to...