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Most Important KPIs in Marketing Automation

Most Important KPIs in Marketing Automation

There is no efficient marketing campaign without measuring its results. Every action should be checked to allow conclusions about the current campaign and to design converting actions for the future. Marketing automation allows for very precise targeting of users and paying customers. All these actions are not however floating in space; a campaign has its...

Control Groups in Marketing Automation – A Tool For Successful Campaigns

Control Groups in Marketing Automation – A Tool For Successful Campaigns

Control groups allow for testing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns and changes in applications. Thanks to them, marketers gain transparency, an important argument for business intelligence activities, based on data. The data is the modern base for many marketing operations; you need a complete set, unspoiled by the wrongly chosen campaign elements. Testing scenarios are...

What Are the Control Groups?

What Are the Control Groups?

Control groups in marketing are like control groups in medicine. One part of the groups receive a working, active substance and the other one gets a placebo. If you don’t know what control groups are, and why they are important in your daily operations, you risk your business taking a dive. Why are control groups...

React on the Client’s Abandoned Intentions!

React on the Client’s Abandoned Intentions!

Abandoned shopping intention is one of the greatest challenges that owners and managers of online shops have to deal with. Lack of drawing conclusions from the severed shopping process is a mistake that can lead to not only lower sales but also the loss of clients’ trust. The reasons internet users abandon the shopping cart...

Campaign Reports in iPresso – Measure the Results of Your Marketing Efforts

Campaign Reports in iPresso – Measure the Results of Your Marketing Efforts

What are the real effects of your specific marketing activities? Which communication channels are the most successful ones – emails, text messages, web push notifications? What gives you the best conversion rates and highest revenues? Now you can answer all those questions thanks to iPresso’s Campaign reports. Campaign reports in iPresso provide marketers with precise...