You certainly don't intend to offer customers only products you don't currently have in stock. Recommending well-described, purchasable goods is the key to success, but even the best-prepared marketing campaigns won't attract customers if you don't have an organized database with data. With Feed Manager you will manage products in many ways, and thanks to automatic updates you will avoid mistakes with availability and your customers will always buy what they care about!
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Discover Feed Manager
If you’re running an online business, e.g., an online store, you surely have multiple data sources and assets to manage. Many of these assets are useful when it comes to communication with your customers (e.g., product data or blog posts). With our Feed Manager, you can manage them effectively and use them to conduct more effective marketing campaigns.
Benefit from product recommendations in your online store
It stands to reason that if you want your customers to buy more products in your online store, you have to recommend them. Product recommendations can be a source of more orders in your store at a relatively low cost. Still, many stores don’t exploit this technique as effectively as they could. In this post,...