Do you use buyer (or customer) personas in your marketing activities? With them, you can craft more accurate and effective marketing campaigns, develop a more in-depth bond with your customers, and offer them improved CX. Let’s see what there is to know about customer personas.
Tag: marketing automation
Gartner: Marketers exploit just less than half of their martech stack’s potential
In early October 2022, Gartner published a study showing that marketers use just 42% of the capabilities available in their martech stack overall.
SMS marketing: A worthy addition to your marketing strategy
The first text/SMS message was sent exactly 30 years ago – in December 1992. Today, around 270,000 text messages are sent worldwide daily. This tool has quickly gained traction due to obvious advantages – especially convenience and speed.
Start using push notifications to stay in touch with customers
Are you looking for a quick and effective way of staying in touch with customers, both on personal computers and mobile devices? If so, consider push notifications as your best bet.
How to create a marketing automation strategy
So, you’ve heard that marketing automation is a beneficial tool helping your company save a lot of time and money. And while that’s 100% true, you cannot just decide that henceforth, you start applying it in your everyday operations.
Email marketing automation – what you should know
In this blog post, we want to show you what email marketing automation is all about and how it can streamline your everyday work.
Is interactive content the next big thing in content marketing?
Yes, at least according to Sara R. Moulton, Head of Content at Playable. She claims that interactive content can help marketers drive more concentrated customer engagement.