Have you noticed an increase in abandoned processes in your online store? Someone added multiple products to the shopping cart, but did not complete the transaction? Many users show interest in your offers, although they do not ultimately make a purchase? Or maybe you're just looking for something to drive more sales? Apply automated marketing campaigns and win back undecided customers!
Tag: marketing automation
The best way to get more leads
Contact forms play a vital role in almost every lead generation process. With them, you can easily collect customer information and get more subscribers for your newsletter, as well as new customers. And they are extremely versatile and easy to implement. Let’s have a look at how contact forms available in iPresso can aid your lead generation strategy.
How to get customers without a budget? Guerrilla marketing
Want to stand out from the competition? Wondering how to reach customers, but traditional advertising isn't working? Or are you looking for cheap ways to promote your products? Try guerrilla marketing and surprise your audience!
This simple way to automate the collection of customer reviews will increase your company’s profits
You probably know how important user reviews are, using your products and services. There are many ways to collect customer satisfaction ratings, and with marketing automation it will be quick and convenient. Learn our tips and increase your profits!
The perfect FMCG consumer promotion to bring you new leads
FMCG is a challenging sector. If you want to win your customers’ attention, you need to organize consumer promotions that check all the right boxes. And there are several of them to consider! In this post, we’ll show you some of the elements you ought to take into account to organize and conduct the perfect FMCG consumer promotion.
What is the combination of SMS and email marketing?
Marketing automation is often used to make it easier and faster to send messages through various communication channels. Surely you have once received an SMS or email from a company whose products interested you. More and more marketers are combining the two. In this article, you will learn why you should use SMS and email marketing together.
The recipe for recovering abandoned carts and skyrocketing your sales instantly
Whether you run a product or a service-based business, you need to ensure that every potential customer is taken care of so that you don’t lose any sales opportunities. However, some customers show initial interest but then don’t follow through. At this point, you have two options – you can just let them go or introduce a process abandonment strategy to try and rescue at least some of the lost carts/leads. Let’s talk a little about the latter approach.