If you read our blog at least occasionally, you know we are big fans of marketing automation. And that’s true; with this technology, you can save a lot of time, reach your customers more effectively, and concentrate just on the most important aspects of your marketing strategy. However, as always, there are some things to steer clear of, and that’s what we want to discuss in this post.
How will Marketing Automation be useful on Black Friday?
Black Friday is one of the busiest periods for sellers and customers. Proper use of marketing automation can truly maximize your sales results. How to do it?
How to automate loyalty programs?
If you run an online store, a loyalty program can help you grow a stable business and enjoy long-lasting relations with your customers. Of course, such programs entail several elements, primarily related to maintaining constant communication with your target audience. And this is where our role begins. In this post, we want to show you how to automate a loyalty program in your company.
How can context-based marketing increase your sales?
In marketing, personalization and the right timing can really boost the results you’re achieving. The information people see can only be effective if it’s presented to the right person, in the right context, and at the right time. That’s the essence of context-based marketing, sometimes referred to as contextual marketing. How this technique can help you increase your sales?
How to automate marketing in the travel industry
The past few years have been very difficult for travel companies, primarily because of the recent pandemic. Today, though, things change, and people are more eager to travel. This means that travel and hospitality companies need to buckle up and increase their marketing efforts. And this is where our role begins!
Why Marketing Automation scenarios are so important?
Marketing automation scenarios play a central role in all your marketing automation efforts – they steer everything and keep communication between your brand and your customers flowing smoothly. In this post, we want to show you how you can use marketing automation scenarios to streamline work and engage customers.
Marketing Automation in the media and entertainment industry
The media and entertainment industry has always been difficult and challenging. Viewers want you to deliver high-quality content and know what they want to watch (personalized recommendations are so important here!). The competition is huge, and you’re up against some of the global giants such as Disney+ or Netflix. If you want to succeed in this challenging market sector, you’ll need every help you can get. And this is where our role begins.