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Segment contacts to understand your audience and serve it better

Segment contacts to understand your audience and serve it better

Customer segmentation is one of the most effective marketing strategies you can use to understand and service a diverse customer base in an effective and personalized manner. The shortest explanation of this strategy revolves around creating several sub-groups of consumers or clients (known as segments) based on shared characteristics or interests. In this article, we will show you how this strategy can be implemented in two sectors – e-commerce and education.

Geographic segmentation in marketing automation

Geographic segmentation in marketing automation

Geographic segmentation allows you to precisely target specific customer groups based on their geographic location. In today's globalized world, where cultural, climatic and economic differences can significantly influence consumer preferences, geographic segmentation is becoming an essential element of an effective marketing strategy.

Segmentation by user behavior in Marketing Automation

Segmentation by user behavior in Marketing Automation

In today's changing business world, where the competition is getting stronger and customers are making more and more demands every day, there is no option to be average. What really rules is effective communication. That's why more and more companies use Marketing Automation tools, which not only make life easier by automating marketing processes, but also allow for precise customer segmentation according to their behavior.

Five ready-made customer segmentation models you can apply today

Five ready-made customer segmentation models you can apply today

Have you ever had problems with customer segmentation in your business? Assigning customers to specific groups can be tricky, but it’s also critical to your business’ success. Thankfully, you don’t have to guess what’s the best option. Martech.org recently published a list of five customer segmentation models that you can apply in your strategy.