How Marketing Automation can help you with content automation

Tailoring your ads, newsletters, and website content to specific visitors enables you to create a much better UX (user experience) and close more deals. With iPresso’s help, you can automate the content you display to your users and potential customers. Let’s have a look at what options you have at your disposal.

Imagine this scenario: You run an e-learning company providing professional courses for marketing, HR, and IT professionals. While there are some common grounds between these groups, HR managers usually aren’t interested in courses for IT specialists and vice versa.

Thanks to content automation, you can skip the part where your potential students have to go through the offer and find the courses that interest them. No, a website with automated content will show IT courses for IT specialists and HR courses for HR managers right off the bat.

As a result, your website visitors have immediate access to the content (in this instance, courses) they need and are interested in. This means that:

  • They are happy with your website’s UX
  • The customer journey is shortened
  • Making the purchasing decision takes less time

Just think, you would surely appreciate a website that doesn’t waste your time and welcomes you with messaging and offers tailored to what you are interested in, correct? That’s, in short, what content automation is all about – making your customers happy and streamlining the sales process.

With this technique, you can get many more satisfied customers/users, which is vital from your business standpoint. However, in order to start using content automation, you need to take care of some elements first.

What do you need to automate the content of your website?

In order to automate the content, you need two major components:

Different content options

Obviously, your content will not “automate itself”. You need to have at least two versions of your content, products, or services in order for content automation to work.

Going back to our example, your online course company would have to offer at least two different courses. If you run an online store, you’d have to have at least two different product categories in your inventory. And if you run a SaaS company, you’d need at least two different versions of your platform or pricing options.

Access to customer data

Secondly, the content automation solution must “know” who’s visiting the website in order to show them the right content. Typically, you can use the customer data you have in your e-commerce platform, in your CRM, or in any other repository. If you run an online store and you want to automate product recommendations, you will also need product parameters, including:

  • Product price
  • Product number
  • Product tab URL
  • SKU

So, it all depends on your individual situation and the profile of your business.

How iPresso can help?

iPresso provides you with an extensive marketing automation platform. It allows you to automate and personalize the vast majority of your marketing and sales-related activities. When it comes to content automation, we can help you automate the content within your:

  • Website
  • Newsletters
  • Push notifications

Website content automation

On your website, you can automate product recommendations and ads. Once you provide our platform with all the required data, our algorithms will automatically display the content that’s tailored to a given customer’s interests.

Newsletter’s automation

Imagine sending not one generic newsletter but five or ten personalized ones. That would make all the difference in the world, right? With our newsletter automation feature, you can create newsletters with dynamic content blocks adjusting to the recipient’s interests or profile, just like in the example below:

Of course, you can use the same dynamic blocks to personalize your website’s content if necessary. Moreover, if you need, you can configure an RSS feed to get all the information you want to include in your newsletter.

Push notifications

Those little messages appearing in the internet browser or in the mobile app can be very effective at triggering your customer’s interest and increasing sales (e.g., by distributing promo codes and special offers in your store). Push notifications can also be personalized and automated.

Use our drag-and-drop editor

Everything we do here at iPresso, we want it to be as intuitive as possible. It’s the same story with our content automation feature – everything is based on a simple, no-code drag-and-drop editor. Thanks to this solution, you can prepare everything you need in a matter of minutes, and you don’t need to involve your web developer or IT specialist. 

We invite you to give our platform a shot and see for yourself how easy it is to use. Believe us, after a few days, you will never go back to doing things manually 🙂 And what’s fantastic, our platform is tailored to businesses of all sorts and sizes.

For every new user, we have a free trial period. All you need to do is fill in and send us this short contact form. We can’t wait to help you automate your business!

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