Automate real-time marketing and give your customer communications a new dimension!

Real-time marketing (RTM) enables real-time communication, and thus has the potential to become an ideal solution for attracting many new customers. However, it is important to keep in mind that if you don’t use RTM properly, you may face criticism and discourage your audience. Time and attention are very important, as it depends on them to figure out what is currently happening in the market and quickly adjust your offer.

An interesting offer needed right away

Many companies do not focus attention on RTM, thus losing customers. A tailored message that is sent to the recipient at a specific moment can encourage and induce them to buy. Notifications on the website, activated by specific actions of website users, increase the quality of communication. Social media ads reach a very large audience effortlessly. Taking advantage of a situation (e.g., a crash, a system error, but also an important event) and referring to it in a humorous way in a marketing campaign will make recipients remember your company and increase their curiosity to learn more about your offer.

What to keep in mind when using real-time marketing

You already know what RTM is and how it will allow you to better communicate with your customers, so now we’ll move on to our tips for getting the most out of it and avoiding mistakes. Remember, however, that real-time marketing requires a quick response and it’s better not to implement it until we have the right situation. Also think about the channels you want to use.

Delay is not an option

Let’s give an example: you see some funny situation on the Internet and you’re already planning to link it to some campaign, only you don’t know which one yet. Finally you have everything prepared, the ads start to hit the audience, but instead of a crowd of customers, there are only voices of embarrassment. All because people have long forgotten about the “mishap” you referenced, and on top of that, several companies have already referred to it much earlier than you in a very similar way. Real-time marketing has precisely the advantage of being real-time, so take advantage of this and don’t refer to outdated events and don’t think for several weeks before publishing a campaign.

How not to advertise swimming pools in winter, i.e. match RTM to the weather

Imagine that although it is still calendar summer, it has been cooling down for several days and the air is more autumnal. On top of that, it’s still raining and there’s no indication that you’re thinking about vacation and relaxing on the beach. You go to the website of a clothing store and see a “pop-up” window with an advertisement for the latest collection of beach fashion, to top it off with a title suggesting such an outfit as fitting for “today’s heat outside the window.” Most viewers will probably just ignore such an ad, but some may be offended by it, since the beautiful summer weather is probably already gone for many days to come.

With iPresso, you have the first Marketing Automation that reacts to changes in the environment, such as weather conditions. IPresso Satellite allows you to create scenarios that will be triggered automatically, for example, depending on the weather. This way, your customers will definitely not be inundated with ads for woolen winter hats when it’s really spring outside the window. This will not only increase trust in your brand, but also allow you to sell exactly the products you want to offer to your audience depending on the weather.

Don’t choose negative events

People have different senses of humor, but advertisements based on tragedies can cause controversy and a lot of criticism. It’s best to choose neutral situations that won’t offend others and are potentially funny to most audiences. It’s also not a good idea to cover little-known, niche issues, as the ads will then not be properly received.

Personalize your ads to communicate with your customers at the highest level

With iPresso, you can quickly and easily create interesting notifications such as push, pop-ups or banners, among others, which will be individually tailored to the customer and adjusted to the situation or weather. Our intuitive wizard will help you incorporate real-time marketing in just a few moments, without interfering with the code of your website.


Real-time marketing is an effective way to generate interest in new customers and stand out from the competition. By reaching a large audience in the shortest possible time, many companies opt for such ads in the form of pop-ups or banners on social media.

We are offering a free 30-day trial access to our platform so that you can test notifications from RTM yourself. Sign up here today!

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