Need more leads? Use iPresso contact forms

Acquiring leads is important for any business. Contact forms as an effective marketing automation tool allow you to effectively generate leads, as well as build loyalty and engagement. We’ll show you how to use our contact forms in your business, as well as suggest what not to do to avoid discouraging a potential customer.

What are contact forms and why you need them in your company

Contact forms allow you to collect basic data about your users, but also their opinions or suggestions. A person’s response will help you personalize your offer and learn about individual needs. Forms are also used to effectively segment customers and target, for example, specific audiences with a given advertisement. Properly designed forms can significantly increase conversions, which will lead to increased leads and sales. Customers also like to communicate through forms as part of, among other things, inquiries or expressions of interest in a particular offer. 

How to use forms in acquiring leads

With the data collected by contact forms, companies can build a database of potential customers, as well as convince users to sign up for newsletters, for example. A lot of companies also decide to encourage recipients to fill out the form by offering some special offer, such as downloading an e-book or getting a special discount on their first purchases. We’ll give some examples of forms that are particularly helpful when wanting to attract new leads:

  • Subscribing to a newsletter
  • Downloading resources (using lead magnets, or “rewards” that you receive when you fill out the form)
  • Registration for webinar and other events
  • Forms with basic personal and contact information (e.g., when wanting to learn more about an offer)
  • Forms to collect suggestions, surveys

Don’t make these mistakes

Contact forms offer great opportunities, but improperly designed forms may not deliver the expected benefits. We will now explain with examples the forms that need to be improved:

Don’t construct complicated forms with endless questions

No one wants to alienate a potential customer from the very first contact. If you inundate him with a lot of detailed questions at the very beginning, you will only discourage him and he will probably not fill out the form or abort it. Remember, you don’t want to know absolutely everything about a person, you don’t write a biography about them. By creating a simple form collecting only basic data about the customer (and important from the point of view of your company), you will build more trust.

Don’t overlook consents from customers, because your database should have some value

Let’s assume that you have even several million contacts in your database. So what if none of them have given you permission to process their personal data? If you don’t want to break the law, it will be hard to do anything with such a database, and after all, that’s why you have customer data, so you can use it later, for example, personalizing ads and directing specific content only to certain groups. So when creating a contact form, don’t forget to add the necessary consents, and your customers’ data will be safely stored in the database.

Don’t create the same content for every audience

Depending on your audience, you should personalize your content, or fields that give you choices. Assuming from the outset that everyone must be interested in a particular topic, you may offend the customer and target a completely different offer than the one they are actually interested in. Our forms allow you to add, among other things, fields with drop-down lists and choices, thus avoiding such mistakes.

Forms and marketing automation, i.e. iPresso forms highlights

With iPresso, anyone can create a form in minutes. With our editor you can intuitively add the most important elements. The simple interface allows you to insert different fields and visually match the form to your site in a quick way, as well as create personalized content. On top of that, marketing automation allows you to set up, for example, automatic confirmation emails for all those who have filled out a form.

You can use iPresso forms in the e-commerce, education and tourism industries, among others.


Contact forms play an important role in acquiring leads. When constructed well, they allow you to collect extremely important data about potential customers, as well as effectively segment contacts and personalize content depending on the recipient. They allow communication from the first contact with the user and increase engagement and loyalty.

If you want to test our tools, do it today! We offer a free 30-day trial access to our platform. All you need to do is send us a completed short contact form (no credit card required). 

Get started here!

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