Automate your contact database management

In the next post we will talk about our CDP (Customer Data Platform). But when it comes to your contacts (clients, users, vendors, etc.) and keeping them organized – our contact database management feature is perfectly sufficient. In this post, we want to show you some of the features of this tool so that you can see how to automate the majority of work related to your databases. Let’s get right to it!

Our contact database management feature is all about maintaining and organizing information related to all sorts of groups of people in your company:

  • Customers
  • Prospects
  • Users
  • Vendors
  • Business partners
  • Employees, etc.

Keeping all those groups in one, well-organized place is crucial for maintaining good relations with them and keeping your customer relationship management strategy updated and effective. With all the contacts in one place, you can keep track of what’s going on with them, what actions should be taken to maintain good relations, and what else could be done to ensure their UX/CX is at the highest possible level.

Contact database management involves several elements, many of which can be automated at least partly. This includes:

  • Collecting
  • Storing
  • Updating
  • And analyzing available data

When you’re up to speed with what’s happening with your contacts, you can increase the effectiveness of communication and customer relationships.

And here at iPresso, our goal is to make it easier for you! So, let’s have a look at how our database management feature can make your work easier and more effective.

Discover the features of our contact database management

We designed our CDM tool to ensure its seamless and effective operation regardless of whether you have a database consisting of 10, 1,000, or 1 million customers. All the tools and features available in our system are scalable and can be adjusted to your needs.

Collecting data

All data management starts with collecting data. Depending on the profile of your business, you may need to collect demographic data (e.g., location, profession, education), purchase history (very important for e-commerce businesses), communication history, contact details, and the information about the stage a given person is at in the customer journey.

With our tool, you can collect and store all that data in one place. And what’s even more important, you can easily integrate many data sources, so that you can upload customer information directly from external systems, such as your e-commerce platform (integrations are possible via API).

Data organization

Once you have all the data, you need to organize it so that you can analyze it and find the necessary information quickly. This is where our platform shines! Here, you can assign scores, categories, tags, and other forms of customer segmentation based on your needs. Our system is very flexible, and you are free to create new segmentation formulas that are fully tailored to your company’s profile. For example, if you run an automotive business, you can assign a car model (along with all the individual information, such as the VIN number) to each customer.

From here, you can work on individual contacts or groups of contacts and implement changes to all segments of contacts in a matter of seconds!

Customer data updated

Some data about your customers is updated automatically. For example, the history of activities updates itself as those activities occur. In other cases, you’ll have to update contacts yourself. Just keep in mind to do so regularly. An outdated contact database will be less useful for sales and marketing purposes, and that defeats the purpose of having such a base, correct?

Contact segmentation

We’ve already mentioned this element to some extent. Segmentation allows you to group contacts depending on specific criteria that are relevant to them and to your business. The goal is to be able to create more targeted and personalized offers, product recommendations, and communication with your customers.

And here, you have one more option. iPresso allows you to combine contacts into relationships. So, for example, you could create a vendor-seller relationship. Or company owner-employee. Or fleet manager-mechanic. This way, you can tailor communication even more and adjust it to individual relations between contacts in your database. This way, the personalization of communication reaches a completely new level!

Interaction history

Our platform tracks the activity of each person in your database and automatically updates interaction history as new interactions happen. This refers to:

  • Communication with your customer service
  • Email sent
  • Placed orders
  • Product returns, etc.

All these pieces of information are automatically stored in an individual contact profile and are always ready to use when, e.g., you are creating new solutions, testing new marketing scenarios or automated purchase paths, and other activities.

As a result, you are always up to speed with each person, thus allowing you to understand what the relationship is like and what the customer’s previous experiences have been. Use this knowledge to improve communication and UX even further!


Lastly, our contact database management tool has a built-in analytical feature that allows you to analyze data in the contact database. This helps you understand what actions are most effective and how you can adjust your strategy based on your findings. 

A GDPR-ready solution

If you operate in the European Union, you surely understand the importance of data security and privacy. Everything you do concerning your customers and other contacts, should be done in accordance with applicable privacy regulations, such as the GDPR. And the good news is that our entire platform is GDPR-compliant, so you can freely use it without worrying about breaching GDPR regulations.

If you’d like to give iPresso a go and see how this marketing automation platform can make your work easier, we invite you to start with free 30-day access. This way, you can see our platform in action and make good use of it before you decide to purchase full access. All you need to do is send us this short contact form.

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