WhatsApp marketing automation: Create communication flows and interactions with customers

WhatsApp is one of the most popular messengers out there. It’s a fantastic tool that allows you to stay in touch with your customers all over the world and distribute not just text messages but also media and vouchers. WhatsApp is far more flexible and effective compared to standard text messages, and now, thanks to iPresso, you can automate your communication flows and interactions with customers. Let’s see how!

Imagine this simple scenario: You have a customer who wants to know more about your offer. They reach out via WhatsApp to your business and not only they get their answers, they also receive invitation to loyalty programs or some thank-you discounts. As a result, the CX increases (the customer gets their info in a matter of few seconds), as well as the willingness to place an order in your store.

This is 100% attainable with our marketing automation and WhatsApp Business API (yes, you’ll need a WhatsApp Business account to make the most of the automation we mention in this post). If you’d like to know more about WhatsApp Business, start with this article on our blog: SMS vs. WhatsApp – similar but different.

Automate communication with WhatsApp and iPresso

WhatsApp Business offers something called WhatsApp Flows – automated communication scenarios, but our platform takes the whole thing one step further. With iPresso, you can automate even advanced and complex communication scenarios where customers interact with your brand and get responses and offers based on their activity and choices.

To achieve this, we use marketing automation scenarios. It’s one of the most important features of our platform. Basically, we allow you to create ready-made sets of communication between your brand and your customers. Such sets comprise messages your brand sends on auto-pilot in response to questions or requests from your customers and other recipients.

Different types of messages

WhatsApp utilizes rich media, meaning you can go beyond classic text messages. You can incorporate:

  • Photos
  • Videos
  • Attachments
  • And surveys in your messages

Thus, making them interesting and engaging. Customers react far better to visual communication, and WhatsApp is the best way to achieve this with mobile devices.

Utilize real-time communication

Our experience shows that people frequently respond to WhatsApp messages in the matter of minutes. If, for any reason, you want to establish real-time communication with your target audience, there’s no better channel. People carry their WhatsApp accounts wherever they go, so you can easily reach them at the right place and time. And thanks to integration with iPresso, you can set the communication to start precisely at the right (selected) moment to make it more meaningful.

For example, you can send a message to your customers three minutes before the big sale starts in your online store. This way, they have just the right amount of time to open your website and find the perfect product while it’s still available.

Measure the results of your campaigns

WhatsApp tells you a lot about interactions that took place in response to your campaign. You can check how many people viewed your messages and how many clicked the link or watched the video. And because WhatsApp can be integrated with other communication channels, you can track conversions more effectively, too!

What’s more, iPresso enables you to store all communication with your customers and assign each conversation to the given customer so that you can use it later for personalization and upselling purposes.

Integrate WhatsApp with other communication channels

WhatsApp shouldn’t be a lonely island in your marketing strategy. You will achieve far better results when you integrate it with other communication channels, such as email or push notifications. This way, you can see a more comprehensive view of interactions with your brand, regardless of the communication channel. This is extremely useful when it comes to tracking conversions!

WhatsApp communication automation – use cases

You now know how WhatsApp automation can be used. Now, let’s have a look at what it is for. There are at least four interesting use cases you can utilize in your company:

Personalized user notifications

Personalization plays a big role in marketing. Use WhatsApp to send users personalized notifications, e.g., about an unfinished order or upcoming discount/promotion. Even better if you have some exclusive offers, e.g., for the members of your loyalty program. It’s always a good way to attract customer attention and grow sales in your business.

Order tracking

You can use WhatsApp to send regular order updates. This way, customers don’t need to reach out to you asking, “Where is their order?” – they get regular updates straight to their phone. They don’t need to log in anywhere and they are always up to speed with what’s going on with their orders.

Discounts and vouchers

WhatsApp works perfectly when it comes to sending discounts and vouchers to your most active customers. You can send discount codes to your customers or their friends and family (e.g., in the form of QR codes). Time-limited offers are also a good idea because, with WhatsApp, people can see the offer in a matter of seconds and quickly make a purchasing decision.

Research and surveys

Lastly, WhatsApp is an effective tool for conducting customer research. One of the options available in this messenger is to include a survey in your message. This way, you can quickly gather customer feedback, e.g., after each order. Direct communication with customers via WhatsApp makes it easier for you to get authentic answers, but don’t ask your customers to spend too much time sharing their opinions.

Wrapping up

If you want to streamline communication via WhatsApp and make it more effective, try iPresso! Our platform will help you make the most of WhatsApp communication and automate the whole process so that you don’t need to respond to every message you receive.
If that sounds like something you could use in your business, we encourage you to start with a free trial of our platform. Go here and send us a short contact form; we’ll take it from there!

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