Marketing Automation and behavioral data analysis

Wanting to have campaigns that are best tailored to individual customers, you need to pay attention to many factors. At first, it seems downright impossible to segment your audience properly, since people have different interests. But what if you could see what actions a particular user performs? Learn about behavioral data analysis and how to use it in conjunction with Marketing Automation.

What is behavioral data analysis

If you want to learn about user behavior and the reasons behind it, then you need to use qualitative research, such as behavioral data. Of course, quantitative data is also essential when doing business, but it only answers part of your questions as to the actions taken by the customer. A given user may be discouraged or encouraged by a particular element that you don’t even pay attention to. For example, customers may not click on a link because of an illegible font that raises questions about security and reliability. 

Why you should do qualitative research

Some people think that by analyzing simple quantitative data, they will already find out enough information about users. This is a mistake, because it is only by analyzing behavioral data that you can get information about why the customer took that particular action. Let’s say you run an online shoe store and from the beginning you have a very high number of abandoned shopping carts. The quantitative data unfortunately does not show the reason for such an action, and you have a problem and do not know what to do next. By analyzing behavioral data, you will know what made people with abandoned processes and, for example, you will know that everything is caused by a small number of available delivery methods, which does not suit everyone. The same applies to the marketing campaigns you run. By analyzing customer behavior data, you will easily learn about their expectations and needs.

Can I use the Marketing Automation tools I’m familiar with for qualitative research?

Of course you can! We will give some examples of the use of marketing automation in behavioral data research.

  • Using a database with customer data – allows you to check a lot of important information about the customer. Even something that should not arouse negative emotions can turn out to be controversial, for example, the name of a new advertising campaign can unfortunate when translated into a given language mean something offensive or even vulgar.
  • Tracking the purchase path (Customer Journey) – thanks to, among other things, the use of Marketing Automation Scenarios, you will design what will happen depending on the action taken by the user. For example, after a user expresses interest and buys a product, he or she will automatically receive a thank you email and a discount for their next purchase. By analyzing the data of how many customers managed to go through a certain step, you can come to even the things that are working wrong on the site and correct them.
  • Use of A/B testing – sometimes small elements determine the positive or negative reception of a campaign. In iPresso you can test which message is more likely to appeal to the user. All you need to do is create different versions of the same campaign, and then send them out to the people in question on a test basis. After analyzing the interest in each variant, you will be able to send to customers only the option that achieved the best effect in the tests. An additional advantage of such a solution is that tests can be performed many times, changing a specific element.


When running a business you need to collect both quantitative and qualitative data. Analyzing behavioral data will allow you to find out why a particular user behaved in a certain way on the site. You will be able to determine the reason for his action, and on this basis introduce new solutions and improve the existing ones.

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