Surely you know that ads can attract many new customers. One of the most effective ways to promote your brand is to use Google Ads. There you have various options for creating ads, both graphical and also in video form. Your campaigns can be even better and more profitable if you combine Google Ads with iPresso Marketing Automation.
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Tag: google ads
Personalization in Google Ads – reach customers with the right message
When it comes to pay-per-click advertising (e.g., Google Ads), your success depends on three crucial elements: who sees your ads, how attractive your ads are, and how good is the landing page that your ads lead to. iPresso can help you with at least two of those elements. And in this post, we want to show you how.
How to attain loyalty and engagement in e-commerce?
E-commerce is a difficult and demanding sector, especially if you’ve just started. Customers’ expectations seem never to end, and the competition is always at your heels. In such a challenging environment, the best thing you can do is continually work on your customers’ engagement and loyalty. And in this post, we’re going to show you...