Confusion over “cookies”, i.e. Google’s resignation from removing 3rd party cookies

Google’s decisions with regard to third-party cookies have already been covered on our blog more than once. The first mention of their withdrawal was made more than four years ago, but it was pointed out from the beginning that appropriate tools had to be developed first and the decision was not urgent. The multinational company has postponed many times the dates for the final farewell to 3rd party cookies on their Google Chrome browser, but at the end of July this year they made a surprising decision.

What’s all the fuss about, i.e. what cookies give you

In short, “cookies” contain precise information about a user’s actions during a given browser session. It is thanks to them that, among other things, login data for websites or products added to a shopping cart in e-commerce are remembered. Thus, they are very important in terms of at least marketing directed online to each person. Some browsers decided to block third-party cookies years ago. The biggest influence on this decision was the entry into force of the GDPR law, as such “tracking” of the user could be a threat in matters of privacy. In the end, the legislation did not ban the use of cookies, but specified that the user must be aware of their existence. “Cookies” are crucial from the point of view of marketers. Without 3rd party cookies, companies find it difficult to connect with potential customers and personalize their marketing campaigns, so the topic of them raises huge emotions. Google Chrome, as a very popular browser, after deciding to phase out these types of files, caused a lot of discussion and concern for companies whose operations have so far relied on their use.

“Cookies,” however, are staying

After delaying this decision for many years, Google finally announced on July 22, 2024 that it would not withdraw cookies. Tests showed that changes regarding “cookies” would affect a large portion of online advertising entities, so the decision was made to leave these files in place. Reportedly, the company plans to introduce a new solution instead, through which users will be able to make a more informed choice when using the browser. So far, a so-called Privacy Sandbox has already been created, assuming that it will be a solution to replace “cookies” once they are blocked on the browser. The company has announced that it will further develop this project, and also in the testing phase is the idea of “IP protection”, which is announced to be available free of charge to every Google Chrome user.

Moving away from a problematic decision or disappointment with unfulfilled promises?

The news of the abandonment of the removal of 3rd party cookies was met with a mixed reception. Some marketers believe that Google was not yet ready for this revolution and made the right decision. Collecting information about user activity without “cookies” can lead to, among other things, a lack of personalized ads or contacting customers in an inefficient way, and this is jeopardizing sales and generating unnecessary costs. Others point to a decline in business loyalty to Google, due to the withdrawal after so many years of loudly announced changes. Many businesses have already had to make the decision over the years to implement a different way to obtain information about customers’ purchase paths. Now such companies have a sense of disappointment, as the new solutions may have involved huge expenditures and changes in the analysis and reporting of user activity.


Undoubtedly, the topic of removing 3rd party cookies is currently being addressed in many industries. Today quite a few companies already use tools that analyze the activities performed by people on the web without the use of “cookies.” Some, on the other hand, are basing their main marketing activities on such files all the time. Time will tell whether the Google browser cookie revolution will ever happen, and whether companies will be adequately prepared for it. For now, we are still asking ourselves whether a “cookieless” world will be possible at all.

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