Author: Maciej Mazurkiewicz (Maciej Mazurkiewicz)

email marketing strategy

Is your email marketing strategy good enough? Let’s find out

Email marketing can be extremely effective. However, for this tool to work flawlessly, you need a well-thought-out plan and an email marketing program to help you achieve your goals. And how can you make sure that’s the case? Perhaps it’s time to audit your email marketing strategy. Here are the most important things you need...

email marketing

What emails are most successful in e-commerce?

In August 2022, there was a study conducted by Bluecore on the efficiency of different types of e-commerce emails. As it happens, welcome emails have the highest open rate (over 45%). What else can you take from this research? Every online store sends hundreds of emails every month. But which of them are the most...

loyalty program ecommerce

How to encourage customers to buy more products

When you’re running an online store, selling more products is your obvious goal. The more products you sell, the more money you make, and your business is more stable. What can you do to encourage customers to put more products in their carts? In this post, we have five proven methods for you to test....

analysis of customer data

87% of B2B companies have problems with buyer intent data

For B2B companies, both large and small, lead generation is still a huge problem. Leadfeeder is a company that surveyed British and American marketing and sales professionals. The results are worrying – as many as 82% of B2B companies continue to find lead generation a challenge. And the fact that the sales process takes more...

customer loyalty

What do you know about customer loyalty?

Customer loyalty is the ultimate goal for every entrepreneur and marketer. At the same time, it’s something vague and fickle. After all, customers are primarily looking for the best deals, don’t they? Recently, published an intriguing list of customer loyalty statistics (mostly from the British market). We’ve gathered the most interesting ones. Here we...