Not that long ago, creating and managing websites and their content was quite difficult and required at least basic knowledge of the HTML language. Today, it’s all much easier thanks to online platforms called CMS – Content Management Systems. These systems are designed to streamline managing your digital assets, not just related strictly to your website. As a result, you can find a CMS platform that suits your needs, even if you run a large, international business. What do you need to know about CMS? Let’s have a look.
Content recycling – give your texts a new life
Do you have blog posts or other texts that you feel are really good? Maybe they get many views, even months after publishing, or they rank high on Google or attract many new clients to your company. Whatever the reason you value a given text, it’s worth thinking about recycling or repurposing it. This way,...
Measuring the efficiency of marketing activities
When you decide to run a marketing campaign, you surely expect specific results. But how can you assess whether the given campaign achieved its goal? How can you measure the efficiency of your marketing activities? That, of course, depends on what you’re actually doing. Let’s have a look at some common options. Of course, we...
How to encourage customers to buy more products
When you’re running an online store, selling more products is your obvious goal. The more products you sell, the more money you make, and your business is more stable. What can you do to encourage customers to put more products in their carts? In this post, we have five proven methods for you to test....
Billing models in online marketing
As we all know, there are many different services and products in digital marketing, from ads through sponsored posts to marketing tools. Each form of marketing activity comes with specific pricing/billing models. In this article, we are going to show you the most popular ones.
How does AI transform marketing?
Artificial intelligence has already entered many sectors and industries. Online marketing is no exception. Thanks to AI, marketing activities are faster and more effective. Let’s have a look at how this tremendous technology transforms digital marketing and how you can implement it in your strategy. Artificial intelligence is a technology designed to help people execute...
What do you need to know about SEO?
49% of shoppers say they use Google to discover or find a new item or product. That’s why, in short, you should take care of the positioning of your website on Google. This way, you can attract more customers, close more deals, and sell more products. However, to achieve that goal, you need SEO. And...