Home > 42% of CMOs say: Data hinders creativity!

42% of CMOs say: Data hinders creativity!


Adverity is a company that surveyed 300 CMOs across the US, UK, and DACH region. Their findings: 42% believe data hinders creativity, 41% say something exactly the opposite, and 17% remain undecided.

The cited study shows that companies generally struggle with managing data in marketing. 30% of marketing teams only review data once a quarter or less. Nearly half (43%) of CMOs feel the greatest barrier to getting value from their marketing data is company culture. Another 18% claim that the biggest reason they struggle to get value from their data is the lack of proper management tools.

As you can see, although the marketing world announced the advent of data-driven marketing a long time ago, there’s still a lot to do. There is still the need to educate the market and provide useful and intuitive tools that help CMOs make the most of the data they process.

And that’s what we’ve been doing for years here at iPresso!

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