What are the opening hours of your store?

Opening hours are very important in e-commerce – they have a significant impact on your store’s UX and customer satisfaction. However, as the latest study shows, there is still a lot to do in this regard, at least in the UK.

According to a study published by eCommercenews.eu, online stores in the United Kingdom are not open as long as customers expect. Over 50% of online stores in Britain close their customer care after 5 pm. Moreover, 27% of the online stores in the country are only available during the daytime, Monday to Friday. Interestingly, it’s not just the British thing; the same source reports a similar situation in the Netherlands and Germany.

It is also worth looking at available communication channels. As it happens, on average, online stores offer 2.6 contact channels. Email is prevalent – almost 90% of online stores provide this form of communication. Chat is available in 43% of surveyed stores.

There are more conclusions from this study – discover them all in the linked article.

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